Installing Trickster

Install Trickster to get started.

Installing with Docker

Docker images are available on Docker Hub. To install Trickster with Docker, run the following command:

$ docker run --name trickster -d -v /path/to/trickster.conf:/etc/trickster/trickster.conf -p tricksterproxy/trickster

See the Deployment documentation for more information about using or creating Trickster Docker images.

Installing with Kubernetes

To install Trickster with Kubernetes, see Deployment.


Trickster Helm Charts are located at for installation, and maintained at We welcome chart contributions.

Building from source

To build Trickster from the source code yourself you need to have a working Go environment with version 1.9 or greater installed.

You can directly use the go tool to download and install the trickster binary into your GOPATH:

$ go get
$ trickster -origin-url -origin-type prometheus

You can also clone the repository yourself and build using make:

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ cd trickster
$ make build
$ ./OPATH/trickster -origin-url -origin-type prometheus

The Makefile provides several targets, including:

  • build: build the trickster binary
  • docker: build a docker container for the current HEAD
  • clean: delete previously-built binaries and object files
  • test: runs unit tests
  • bench: runs benchmark tests
  • rpm: builds a Trickster RPM

Last modified July 8, 2021: standardize folder names (287caa6)