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Application Load Balancers

Solve for scalabilty with Trickster’s state-of-the-art Application Load Balancer.

    Trickster 2.0 provides an all-new Application Load Balancer that is easy to configure and provides unique features to aid with Scaling, High Availability and other applications. The ALB supports several balancing Mechanisms:

    Round RobinrrScalinga basic, stateless round robin between healthy pool members
    Time Series MergetsmFederationuses scatter/gather to collect and merge data from multiple replica tsdb sources
    First ResponsefrSpeedfans a request out to multiple backends, and returns the first response received
    First Good ResponsefgrSpeedfans a request out to multiple backends, and returns the first response received with a status code < 400
    Newest Last‑ModifiednlmFreshnessfans a request out to multiple backends, and returns the response with the newest Last-Modified header

    Integration with Backends

    The ALB works by applying a Mechanism to select one or more Backends from a list of Healthy Pool Members, through which to route a request. Pool member names represent Backend Configs (known in Trickster 0.x and 1.x as Origin Configs) that can be pre-existing or newly defined.

    All settings and functions configured for a Backend are applicable to traffic routed via an ALB - caching, rewriters, rules, tracing, TLS, etc.

    In Trickster configuration files, each ALB itself is a Backend, just like the pool members to which it routes.

    Mechanisms Deep Dive

    Each mechanism has its own use cases and pitfalls. Be sure to read about each one to understand how they might apply to your situation.

    Basic Round Robin

    A basic Round Robin rotates through a pool of healthy backends used to service client requests. Each time a client request is made to Trickster, the round robiner will identify the next healthy backend in the rotation schedule and route the request to it.

    The Trickster ALB is intended to support stateless workloads, and does not support Sticky Sessions or other advanced ALB capabilities.

    Weighted Round Robin

    Trickster supports Weighted Round Robin by permitting repeated pool member names in the same pool list. In this way, an operator can craft a desired apportionment based on the number of times a given backend appears in the pool list. We’ve provided an example in the snippet below.

    Trickster’s round robiner cycles through the pool in the order it is defined in the Configuration file. Thus, when using Weighted Round Robin, it is recommended to use a non-sorted, staggered ordering pattern in the pool list configuration, so as to prevent routing bursts of consecutive requests to the same backend.

    More About Our Round Robin Mechanism

    Trickster’s Round Robin Mechanism works by maintaining an atomic uint64 counter that increments each time a request is received by the ALB. The ALB then performs a modulo operation on the request’s counter value, with the denominator being the count of healthy backends in the pool. The resulting value, ranging from 0 to len(healthy_pool) - 1 indicates the assigned backend based on the counter and current pool size.

    Example Round Robin Configuration

      # traditional Trickster backend configurations
        provider: reverseproxycache # will cache responses to the default memory cache
        path_routing_disabled: true # disables frontend request routing via /node01 path
        origin_url: # make requests with TLS
        tls: # this backend might use mutual TLS Auth
          client_cert_path: ./cert.pem
          client_key_path: ./cert.key
        provider: reverseproxy      # requests will be proxy-only with no caching
        path_routing_disabled: true # disables frontend request routing via /node02 path
        origin_url: # make unsecured requests
        request_headers: # this backend might use basic auth headers
          Authoriziation: "basic jdoe:*****"
      # Trickster 2.0 ALB backend configuration, using above backends as pool members
        provider: alb
          mechanism: rr # round robin
            - node01 # as named above
            - node02
            # - node02 # if this node were uncommented, weighting would change to 33/67
            # add backends multiple times to establish a weighting protocol.
            # when weighting, use a cycling list, rather than a sorted list.

    Here is the visual representation of this configuration:

    Diagram of Trickster round robin mechanism

    Time Series Merge

    The recommended application for using the Time Series Merge mechanism is as a High Availability solution. In this application, Trickster fans the client request out to multiple redundant tsdb endpoints and merges the responses back into a single document for the client. If any of the endpoints are down, or have gaps in their response (due to prior downtime), the Trickster cache along with the data from the healthy endpoints will ensure the client receives the most complete response possible. Instantaneous downtime of any Backend will result in a warning being injected in the client response.

    Separate from an HA use case, it is possible to Time Series Merge as a Federation broker that merges responses from different, non-redundant tsdb endpoints; for example, to aggregate metrics from a solution running clusters in multiple regions, with separate, in-region-only tsdb deployments. In this use case, it is recommended to inject labels into the responses to protect against data collisions across series. Label injection is demonstrated in the snippet below.

    Providers Supporting Time Series Merge

    Trickster currently supports Time Series Merging for the following TSDB Providers:

    Provider Name

    We hope to support more TSDBs in the future and welcome any help!

    Example TS Merge Configuration

      # prom01a and prom01b are redundant and poll the same targets
        provider: prometheus
            region: us-east-1
        provider: prometheus
            region: us-east-1
      # prom-alb-01 scatter/gathers to prom01a and prom01b and merges responses for the caller
        provider: alb
          mechanism: tsm # time series merge
            - prom01a
            - prom01b
      # prom02 and prom03 poll unique targets but produce the same metric names as prom01a/b
        provider: prometheus
            region: us-east-2
        provider: prometheus
            region: us-west-1
      # prom-alb-all scatter/gathers prom01a/b, prom02 and prom03 and merges their responses
      # for the caller. since a unique region label was applied to non-redundant backends,
      # collisions are avoided. each backend caches data independently of the aggregated response
        provider: alb
          mechanism: tsm
            - prom01a
            - prom01b
            - prom02
            - prom03

    Here is the visual representation of a basic TS Merge configuration:

    Diagram of Trickster timeseries merge configuration

    First Response

    The First Response mechanism fans a request out to all healthy pool members, and returns the first response received back to the client. All other fanned out responses are cached (if applicable) but otherwise discarded. If one backend in the fanout has already cached the requested object, and the other backends do not, the cached response will return to the caller while the other backends in the fanout will cache their responses as well for subsequent requests through the ALB.

    This mechanism works well when using Trickster as an HTTP object cache fronting multiple redundant origins, to ensure the fastest response possible is delivered to downstream clients - even if the HTTP Response Code indicates an error in the request or by the first backend to respond.

    First Response Configuration Example

        provider: reverseproxycache
        provider: reverseproxycache
        provider: alb
          mechanism: fr # first response
            - node01
            - node02

    Here is the visual representation of this configuration:

    Diagram of Trickster first response configuration

    First Good Response

    The First Good Response mechanism acts just as First Response does, except that waits to return the first response with an HTTP Status Code < 400. If no fanned out response codes are in the acceptable range once all responses are returned (or the timeout has been reached), then the healthiest response, based on min(all_responses_status_codes), is used.

    This mechanism is useful in applications such as live internet television. Consider an operational condition where an object may have been written to Origin 1, but not yet written to redundant Origin 2, while users have already received references to and begin requesting the object in a separate manifest. Trickster, when used as an ALB+Cache in this scenario, will poll both backends for the object and cache the positive responses from Origin 1 for serving subsequent requests locally, while a negative cache configuration will avoid potential 404 storms on Origin 2 until the object can be written by the replication process.

    First Good Response Configuration Example

      default: # by default, backends use the 'default' negative cache
        "404": 500 # cache 404 responses for 500ms
        provider: reverseproxycache
        provider: reverseproxycache
        provider: alb
          mechanism: fgr # first good response
            - node01
            - node02

    Here is the visual representation of this configuration:

    Diagram of Trickster first good response configuration

    Newest Last-Modified

    The Newest Last-Modified mechanism is focused on providing the user with the newest representation of the response, rather than responding as quickly as possible. It will fan the client request out to all backends, and wait for all responses to come back (or the ALB timeout to be reached) before determining which response is returned to the user.

    If at least one fanout response has a Last-Modified header, then any response not containing the header is discarded. The remaining responses are sorted based on their Last Modified header value, and the newest value determines which response is chosen.

    This mechanism is useful in applications where an object residing at the same path on multiple origins is updated frequently, such as a DASH or HLS manifest for a live video broadcast. When using Trickster as an ALB+Cache in this scenario, it will poll both backends for the object, and ensure the newest version between them is used as the client response.

    Note that with NLM, the response to the user is only as fast as the slowest backend to respond.

    Newest Last-Modified Configuration Example

        provider: reverseproxycache
        provider: reverseproxycache
        provider: alb
          mechanism: nlm # newest last modified
            - node01
            - node02

    Here is the visual representation of this configuration:

    Diagram of Trickster last-modified configuration

    Maintaining Healthy Pools With Automated Health Check Integrations

    Health Checks are configured per-Backend as described in the Health documentation. Each Backend’s health checker will notify all ALB pools of which it is a member when its health status changes, so long as it has been configured with a health check interval for automated checking. When an ALB is notified that the state of a pool member has changed, the ALB will reconstruct its list of healthy pool members before serving the next request.

    Health Check States

    A backend will report one of three possible health states to its ALBs: unavailable (-1), unknown (0), or available (1).

    Health-Based Backend Selection

    Each ALB has a configurable healthy_floor value, which is the threshold for determining which pool members are included in the healthy pool, based on their instantaneous health state. The healthy_floor represents the minimum acceptable health state value for inclusion in the healthy pool. The default healthy_floor value is 0, meaning Backends in a state >= 0 (unknown and available) are included in the healthy pool. Setting healthy_floor: 1 would include only available Backends, while a value of -1 will include all backends in the configured pool, including those marked as unavailable.

    Backends that do not have a health check interval configured will remain in a permanent state of unknown. Backends will also be in an unknown state from the time Trickster starts until the first of any configured automated health check is completed. Note that if an ALB is configured with healthy_floor: 1, any pool members that are not configured with an automated health check interval will never be included in the ALB’s healthy pool, as their state is permanently 0.

    Example ALB Configuration Routing Only To Known Healthy Backends

        provider: prometheus
          interval_ms: 1000 # enables automatic health check polling for ALB pool reporting
        provider: prometheus
          interval_ms: 1000
        provider: alb
          mechanism: tsm   # times series merge healthy pool members
          healthy_floor: 1 # only include Backends reporting as 'available' in the healthy pool
            - prom01
            - prom02

    All-Backends Health Status Page

    Trickster 2.0 provides a new global health status page available at http://trickster:metrics-port/trickster/health (or the configured health_handler_path).

    The global status page will display the health state about all backends configured for automated health checking. Here is an example configuration and a possible corresponding status page output:

        provider: reverseproxy
        # not configured for automated health check polling
        provider: prometheus
          interval_ms: 1000 # enables automatic health check polling every 1s
        provider: inflxudb
          interval_ms: 1000 # enables automatic health check polling every 1s
    $ curl "http://${trickster-fqdn}:8481/trickster/health"
    Trickster Backend Health Status            last change: 2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
    prom-01      prometheus   available
    flux-01      influxdb     unavailable since 2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
    proxy-01     proxy        not configured for automated health checks
    You can also provide a 'Accept: application/json' Header or query param ?json

    JSON Health Status

    As the table footer from the plaintext version of the health status page indicates, you may also request a JSON version of the health status for machine consumption. The JSON version includes additional detail about any Backends marked as unavailable, and is structured as follows:

    $ curl "http://${trickster-fqdn}:8481/trickster/health?json" | jq
      "title": "Trickster Backend Health Status",
      "udpateTime": "2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC",
      "available": [
          "name": "flux-01",
          "provider": "influxdb"
      "unavailable": [
          "name": "prom-01",
          "provider": "prometheus",
          "downSince": "2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC",
          "detail": "error probing target: dial tcp prometheus:9090: connect: connection refused"
      "unchecked": [
          "name": "proxy-01",
          "provider": "proxy"