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The following articles exlpain how Trickster works with origins.

1 - Rule Backend

How to write rules for Trickster’s Rule Backend.

The Rule Backend is not really a true Backend; it only routes inbound requests to other configured Backends, based on how they match against the Rule’s cases.

A Rule is a single inspection operation performed against a single component of an inbound request, which determines the Next Backend to send the request to. The Next Backend can also be a rule Backend, so as to route requests through multiple Rules before arriving at a true Backend destination.

A rule can optionally rewrite multiple portions of the request before, during and after rule matching, by using request rewriters, which allows for powerful and limitless combinations of request rewriting and routing.

Rule Parts

A rule has several required parts, as follows:

Required Rule Parts

  • input_source - The part of the Request the Rule inspects
  • input_type - The source data type
  • operation - The operation taken on the input source
  • next_route - The Backend Name indicating the default next route for the Rule if no matching cases. Not required if redirect_url is provided.
  • redirect_url - The fully-qualified URL to issue as a 302 redirect to the client in the default case. Not required if next_route is provided.

Optional Rule Parts

  • input_key - case-sensitive lookup key; required when the source is header or URL param
  • input_encoding - the encoding of the input, which is decoded prior to performing the operation
  • input_index - when > -1, the source is split into parts and the input is extracted from parts[input_index]
  • input-delimiter - when input_index > -1, this delimiter is used to split the source into parts, and defaults to a standard space (' ‘)
  • ingress_req_rewriter name - provides the name of a Request Rewriter to operate on the Request before rule execution.
  • egress_req_rewriter name - provides the name of a Request Rewriter to operate on the Request after rule execution.
  • nomatch_req_rewriter name - provides the name of a Request Rewriter to operate on the Request after rule execution if the request did not match any cases.
  • max_rule_executions - limits the number of rules a Request is passed through, and aborts with a 400 status code when exceeded. Default is 16.

input_source permitted values

source nameexample extracted value
port8480 (inferred from scheme when no port is provided)
param(must be used with input_key as described below)
header(must be used with input_key as described below)

input_type permitted values and operations

type namepermitted operations
string (default)prefix, suffix, contains, eq, md5, sha1, modulo, rmatch
numeq, le, ge, gt, lt, modulo

Rule Cases

Rule cases define the possible values are able to alter the Request and change the next route.

Case Parts

Required Case Parts

  • matches - A string list of values applicable to this case.
  • next_route - The Backend Name indicating the next route for the Rule when a request matches this Case. Not required if redirect_url is provided.
  • redirect_url - The fully-qualified URL to issue as a 302 redirect to the client when the Request matches this Case. Not required if next_route is provided.

Optional Case Parts

  • req_rewriter name - provides the name of a Request Rewriter to operate on the Request when this case is matched.

Example Rule - Route Request by Basic Auth Username

In this example config, requests routed through the /example path will be compared against the rules and routed to either the Reader cluster or the Writer cluster. Curling http://trickster-host/example/path would route to the reader or writer cluster based on a provided Authorization header.

    # default route is reader cluster
    next_route: example-reader-cluster

    input_source: header
    input_key: Authorization
    input_type: string
    input_encoding: base64 # Authorization: Basic <base64string>
    input_index: 1         # Field 1 is the <base64string>
    input_delimiter: ' '   # Authorization Header field is space-delimited
    operation: prefix      # Basic Auth credentials are formatted as user:pass,
                           # so we can check if it is prefixed with $user:
        matches: # route johndoe and janedoe users to writer cluster
          - 'johndoe:'
          - 'janedoe:'
        next_route: example-writer-cluster

    provider: rule
    rule_name: example-user-router

    provider: rpc
    origin_url: ''

    provider: rpc
    origin_url: ''
    path_routing_disabled: true  # restrict routing to this backend via rule only, so
                                 # users cannot directly access via /example-writer-cluster/

Example Rule - Route Request by Path Regex

In this example config, requests routed through the /example path will be compared against the rules and routed to either the Reader cluster or the Writer cluster. Curling http://trickster-host/example/reader and http://trickster-host/example/writer would route to the reader or writer cluster by matching the path.

    # default route is reader cluster
    next_route: example-reader-cluster

    input_source: path
    input_type: string
    operation: rmatch      # perform regex match against the path to see if it matches 'writer
    operation_arg: '^.*\/writer.*$'
        matches: [ 'true' ] # rmatch returns true when the input matches the regex; update next_route
        next_route: example-writer-cluster

    provider: rule
    rule_name: example-user-router

    provider: rpc
    origin_url: ''

    provider: rpc
    origin_url: ''
    path_routing_disabled: true  # restrict routing to this backend via rule only, so
                                 # users cannot directly access via /example-writer-cluster/

2 - Supported Providers

Find out which providers Trickster supports.

Trickster currently supports the following providers:

Trickster logo Generic HTTP Reverse Proxy Cache

Trickster operates as a fully-featured and highly-customizable reverse proxy cache, designed to accelerate and scale upstream endpoints like API services and other simple http services. Specify 'reverseproxycache' or just 'rpc' as the Provider when configuring Trickster.

Time Series Databases

Prometheus logo Prometheus

Trickster fully supports the Prometheus HTTP API (v1). Specify 'prometheus' as the Provider when configuring Trickster. Trickster supports label injection for Prometheus.

InfluxDB logo InfluxDB

Trickster supports for InfluxDB. Specify 'influxdb' as the Provider when configuring Trickster.

See the InfluxDB Support Document for more information.

ClickHouse logo ClickHouse

Trickster supports accelerating ClickHouse time series. Specify 'clickhouse' as the Provider when configuring Trickster.

See the ClickHouse Support Document for more information.

IRONdb logo Circonus IRONdb

Support has been included for the Circonus IRONdb time-series database. If Grafana is used for visualizations, the Circonus IRONdb data source plug-in for Grafana can be configured to use Trickster as its data source. All IRONdb data retrieval operations, including CAQL queries, are supported.

When configuring an IRONdb backend, specify 'irondb' as the provider in the Trickster configuration. The host value can be set directly to the address and port of an IRONdb node, but it is recommended to use the Circonus API proxy service. When using the proxy service, set the host value to the address and port of the proxy service, and set the api_path value to 'irondb'.

3 - Timeseries Request Sharding

This article covers the available sharding configurations.


A shard means “a small part of a whole,” and Trickster 2.0 supports the sharding of upstream HTTP requests when retrieving timeseries data. When configured for a given time series backend, Trickster will shard eligible requests by inspecting the time ranges needed from origin and subdividing them into smaller ranges that conform to the backend’s sharding configuration. Sharded requests are sent to the origin concurrently, and their responses are reconstituted back into a single dataset by Trickster after they’ve all been returned.


Trickster support three main mechanisms for sharding:

  • Maximum Timestamps Per Shard: Trickster calculates the number of expected unique timestamps in the response by dividing the requested time range size by the step cadence, and then subdivides the time ranges so that each sharded request’s time range will return no more timestamps than the configured maximum.
Diagram of Trickster's subdivisions based on timestamps
  • Maximum Time Range Width Per Shard: Trickster inspects each needed time range, and subdivides them such that each sharded request’s time range duration is no larger than the configured maximum.
Diagram of Trickster's subdivisions based on time range duration
  • Epoch-Aligned Maximum Time Range Width Per Shard: Trickster inspects each needed time range, and subdivides them such that each sharded request’s time range duration is no larger than the configured maximum, while also ensuring that each shard’s time boundaries are aligned to the Epoch based on the configured shard step size.
Diagram of Trickster's subdivisions based on time range duration Diagram of Trickster making sure that shard time boundaries are aligned to the shard step size


Maximum Unique Timestamp Count Per Shard

In the Trickster configuration, use the shard_max_size_points configuration to shard requests by limiting the maximum number of unique timestamps in each sharded response.

    provider: prometheus
    origin_url: http://prometheus:9090
    shard_max_size_points: 10999

Maximum Time Range Width Per Shard

In the Trickster configuration, use the shard_max_size_ms configuration to shard requests by limiting the maximum width of each sharded request’s time range.

    provider: 'prometheus'
    origin_url: http://prometheus:9090
    shard_max_size_ms: 7200000

Epoch-Aligned Maximum Time Range Width Per Shard

In the Trickster configuration, use the shard_step_ms configuration to shard requests by limiting the maximum width of each sharded request’s time range, while ensuring shards align with the epoch on the configured cadence. This is useful for aligning shard boundaries with an upstream database’s partition boundaries, ensuring that sharded requests have as little partition overlap as possible.

    provider: 'prometheus'
    origin_url: http://prometheus:9090
    shard_step_ms: 7200000

shard_step_ms can be used in conjunction with shard_max_size_ms, so long as shard_max_size_ms is perfectly divisible by shard_step_ms. This combination configuration will align shards against the configured shard step, while sizing each shard’s time range to be multiple shard steps wide.

    provider: 'prometheus'
    origin_url: http://prometheus:9090
    shard_step_ms: 7200000
    shard_size_ms: 14400000

Neither shard_step_ms or shard_max_size_ms can be used in conjunction with shard_max_size_points.

4 - TLS Support

Trickster supports Transport Layer Security on both the frontend server and backend clients.


To enable the TLS server, you must specify the tls_listen_port, and optionally, the tls_listen_address in the frontend section of your config file. For example:

  listen_port: 8480
  tls_listen_port: 8483

Note, Trickster only starts listening on the TLS port if at least one origin has a valid certificate and key configured.

Each origin section of a Trickster config file can be augmented with the optional tls section to modify TLS behavior for front-end and back-end requests. For example:

  example: # example backend
    tls:   # TLS settings for example backend
      # server configs
      full_chain_cert_path: '/path/to/my/cert.pem'
      private_key_path: '/path/to/my/key.pem'
      # back-end configs
      insecure_skip_verify: true
      certificate_authority_paths: [ '/path/to/ca1.pem', '/path/to/ca2.pem' ]
      client_cert_path: '/path/to/client/cert.pem'
      client_key_path: '/path/to/client/key.pem'

Server Configuration when responding to clients

Each backend can handle encryption with exactly 1 certificate and key pair, as configured in the TLS section of the backend config (demonstrated above).

If the path to any configured Certificate or Key file is unreachable or unparsable, Trickster will exit upon startup with an error providing reasonable context.

You may use the same TLS certificate and key for multiple backends, depending upon how your Trickster configurations are laid out. Any certificates configured by Trickster must match the hostname header of the inbound http request (exactly, or by wildcard interpolation), or clients will likely reject the certificate for security issues.

Client Configs when proxying to an origin

Each backend’s TLS configuration can also configure the https client used for making requests against the origin as demonstrated above.

insecure_skip_verify will instruct the http client to ignore hostname verification issues with the upstream origin’s certificate, and process the request anyway. This is analogous to -k | --insecure in curl.

certificate_authority_paths will provide the http client with a list of certificate authorities (used in addition to any OS-provided root CA’s) to use when determining the trust of an upstream origin’s TLS certificate. In all cases, the Root CA’s installed to the operating system on which Trickster is running are used for trust by the client.

To use Mutual Authentication with an upstream origin server, configure Trickster with Client Certificates using client_cert_path and client_key_path parameters, as shown above. You will likely need to also configure a custom CA in certificate_authority_paths to represent your certificate signer, unless it has been added to the underlying Operating System’s CA list.

5 - Using Multiple Backends

A single Trickster instance can use multiple backends.

Trickster supports proxying to multiple backends in a single Trickster instance, by examining the inbound request and using a multiplexer to direct the proxied request to the correct upstream origin, in the same way that web servers support virtual hosting.

There are 2 ways to route to multiple backends.

  • HTTP Pathing
  • DNS Aliasing

Basic Usage

To utilize multiple backends, you must craft a Trickster configuration file to be read when Trickster starts up - operating with environment variables or command line arguments only supports accelerating a single backend. The example.full.yaml provides good documentation and commented sections demonstrating multiple backends. The config file should be placed in /etc/trickster/trickster.yaml unless you specify a different path when starting Trickster with the -config command line argument.

Each backend that your Trickster instance supports must be explicitly enumerated in the configuration file. Trickster does not support open proxying.

Example backend configuration:

  my-backend-01: # routed via http://trickster:8480/my-backend-01/
    provider: prometheus

  my-backend-02: # routed via http://trickster:8480/my-backend-02/
    hosts: [ ] # or
    provider: prometheus

    path_routing_disabled: true # only routable via Host header, an ALB, or a Rule
    hosts: [ ] # or
    provider: prometheus

Default Backend

Whether proxying to one or more upstreams, Trickster has the concept of a “default” backend, which means it does not require a specific DNS hostname in the request, or a specific URL path, in order to proxy the request to a known backend. When a default backend is configured, if the inbound request does not match any mapped backends by path or FQDN, the request will automatically be routed through the default backend. You are probably familiar with this behavior from when you first tried out Trickster with the using command line arguments.

Here’s an example: if you have Trickster configured with an backend named foo that proxies to http://foo/ and is configured as the default backend, then requesting http://trickster/image.jpg will initiate a proxy request to http://foo/image.jpg, without requiring the path be prefixed with /foo. But requesting to http://trickster/foo/image.jpg would also work.

The default backend can be configured by setting is_default: true for the backend you have elected to make the default. Having a default backend is optional. In a single-backend configuration, Trickster will automatically set the sole backend as is_default: true unless you explicitly set is_default: false in the configuration file. If you have multiple backends, and don’t wish to have a default backend, you can just omit the value for all backends. If you set is_default: true for more than one backend, Trickster will exit with a fatal error on startup.

Path-based Routing Configurations

In this mode, Trickster will use a single FQDN but still map to multiple upstream backends by path. This is the simplest setup and requires the least amount of work. The client will indicate which backend is desired in URL Path for the request.

Example Path-based Configuration with Multiple Backends:

  # backend1 backend
    origin_url: ''
    provider: prometheus
    cache_name: default
    is_default: true
  # "foo" backend
    origin_url: ''
    provider: influxdb
    cache_name: default
  # "bar" backend
    origin_url: ''
    provider: prometheus
    cache_name: default

Using HTTP Path as the Backend Routing Indicator

The client prefixes the Trickster request path with the Backend Name.

This is the recommended method for integrating with applications like Grafana.

Example Client Request URLs:

DNS Alias Configuration

In this mode, multiple DNS records point to a single Trickster instance. The FQDN used by the client to reach Trickster is mapped to specific backend configurations using the hosts list. In this mode, the URL Path is not considered during Backend Selection.

Example DNS-based Backend Configuration:

  # backend1 backend
    hosts: # users can route to this backend via these FQDNs, or via `/backend1`
    origin_url: ''
    provider: prometheus
    cache_name: default
    is_default: true
  # "foo" backend
    hosts: # users can route to this backend via these FQDNs, or via `/foo`
    origin_url: ''
    provider: prometheus
    cache_name: default
  # "bar" backend
    hosts: # users can route to this backend via these FQDNs, or via `/bar`
    origin_url: ''
    provider: prometheus
    cache_name: default

Example Client Request URLs:

Note: It is currently possible to specify the same FQDN in multiple backend configurations. You should not do this (obviously). A future enhancement will cause Trickster to exit fatally upon detection at startup.

Disabling Path-based Routing for a Backend

You may wish for a backend to be inaccessible via the /backend_name/ path, and only by Hostname or as the target of a rule or ALB. You can disable path routing by setting path_routing_disabled: true for the backend, as in this example, which requires the Request’s Host header match or in order to be routed to the backend:

    origin_url: ''
    provider: prometheus
    cache_name: default
    is_default: false
    path_routing_disabled: true # this will disable routing through /backend1