Per-Query Time Series Instructions

Specify instructions for each query.

Beginning with Trickster v1.1, certain features like Fast Forward can be toggled a per-query basis, to assist with compatibility in your environment. This allows the drafters of a query to have some say over toggling these features on queries they find to have issues running through Trickster. This is done by adding directives via query comments. For example, in Prometheus, you can end any query with # any comment following a hashtag, so you can place the per-query instructions there.

Supported Per-Query Instructions

Fast Forward Disable

To disable fast forward, use the instruction trickster-fast-forward. You can only use this feature with Prometheus as other time series do not currently implement Fast Forward. Use as in the following example:

go_goroutines{job="trickster"}  # trickster-fast-forward:off

Backfill Tolerance

To set the backfill tolerance, use the instruction trickster-backfill-tolerance. Trickster supports setting the backfill tolerance for all time series backends. Use as in the following example:

SELECT time, count(*) FROM table  # trickster-backfill-tolerance:120

Last modified June 29, 2021: edit docs setup, check links (a570ea6)